Following my previous posts of 35 and broke, I thought I will share what are the NOT to do things financially before 35. These are some of things which some of the people around me had committed, and spend years making it right again. By staying away from these, one should be fine at 35 and after.
So what are the things we should avoid?
Big Items - One's graduation is a joyous occasion, when one enters the workforce and the ability to make money and finally not dependent on allowance from parents. Some chose to celebrate this occasion with expensive Europe or Japan tour. Some of my classmates did that when we graduated, the idea being that it will be difficult to take 1 month of leave next time when one started working. I mean as long as the cost of the tour does not get you into too much of debt, why not, after all, one had studied all his life and it's not too reasonable to want to take a break. However, by not having a budget and discipline, one will find that he/she will get into huge debt even before he/she starts work. What if you cant find a job after the trip.
Small Items - Yes, everything adds up end of the day. If you stand in the middle of the Raffles place, do you noticed that every other people holds a cup of expensive coffee as they walk to their office. By not having that $3 cup of coffee every morning, one would save about $60 a month and $720 a year. Another one would be taking taxi going to work or home, especially after a tiring day. Most of us think that it's ok, it's just 4 or 5 taxi trips a week, does not matter much. Again, the cost from the 4 or 5 taxi trips add up to quite an amount end of the day. If your objectives is too save very hard for the first 10 years of your working life, this is something that you can cut back on.
Getting married - Most Singaporeans will get a house before they get married, and with 2 big items, most of our savings will be depleted badly. For the first time in your life, you never feel so empty before, I mean your bank account. Do you really need that expensive condominium or can you start with a simple HDB and then upgrade later when you build up your finances again. Most of my friends did just that and most are doing well financially. Do you really need that lavish wedding dinner or we can have a simple and yet presentable one. By making the right choice based on one's financial status, your financial standing should still be in Green even after getting married and your home.
Investments - Do not make stupid mistakes by getting into unregulated investments schemes which promises returns of 20% or even 30%, remember the gold scam, etc. Come on, even Warren Buffet's return is not that fantastic, and being an educated person, we should be able to question how this is achievable.
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Broke at 35 years old